27 Sept 2011

CPSO ignorance in using "ALLOPATHIC" medicine.as a description of SCIENTIFIC MEDICINE.

allopathy Look up allopathy at Dictionary.com
1842, "treatment of disease by remedies that produce effects opposite to the symptoms," from Ger. Allopathie (Hahnemann), from Gk. allos "other" (see alias) + -patheia, comb. form of pathos "suffering, disease, feeling" (see pathos). The term applied by homeopathists to traditional medicine.
On CPSO web site CEO ("Registrar")  Dr. R.V.GERACE demonstrates limited knowledge of English etymology using "allopathy" as a description of scientific medicine. "Allopathy" was coined by linguistic genius (nine languages) Dr.C.F.S. HAHNEMANN (1755-1843) who advised "fresh air, bed rest, diet, sunshine, and Public hygiene".and argued that "like cures like".

Homeopathy has been favoured by the UK Royal Family together with Scientific medicine. Homoeopaths spend at least 1 1/2 hr during a visit. The little round white pills do no harm. Homoeopaths appeal to those who want (non-OHIP) PERSONAL attention as well as (OHIP) DIAGNOSTIC  medicine. Cambridge medical graduate Late Dr. Margery BLACKIE CVO,MD, FFHOM (1898-1981) was Homoeopathic physician to H.M.The Queen.(1968). 

GLOBE & MAIL: High School & University suicides

Suicide reported of female 14y High school and male Queen's Univ student.

No mention of possible post Infectious mononucleosis depression.

In Ontario, PhD-Clinical psychologists are not paid by Government medical insurance.(OHIP)

Ontario GPs without formal psychological/psychiatric training or Certification can bill OHIP for GP "psychotherapy". No medical equipment needed. Sedentary occupation with 30/60 minute visits. Minimal  medico-legal risks.

AACAP/CACAP Joint Annual Meeting

AACAP + CACAP Joint Annual Meeting Logo

UK DAILY STAR Possible poisoning of three Hospital patients

By Daily Star Reporter

POLICE probing the deaths of three hospital patients by poisoning have called in a top pathologist who investigated the 1997 death of Princess Diana.

Prof Robert Forrest has joined officers who suspect two saboteurs may have hit Stepping Hill Hospital in Stockport, Gtr Manchester.

Tracey Arden, 44, Arnold Lancaster, 71, and Derek Weaver, 83, all died after being given saline drips contaminated with insulin.

Prof Forrest told Diana’s inquest tests on the blood of her driver Henri Paul suggested “cock-up or conspiracy”.