9 Mar 2015

Ont.Nurse Practitioners, ( the new FELDSHER ) ,can prescribe all meds except opioids.

WIKIPEDIA: Feldsher (German: Feldscher, Polish: Felczer, Russian/Cyrillic: Фельдшер) is a health care professional who provides various medical services in the Russian Federation and other countries of the former Soviet Union, mainly in rural areas. For example, feldshers provide primary, obstetrical and surgical care services in many rural medical centres and ambulatories across Russia,[1] Armenia,[2] Kazakhstan,[3] Kyrgyzstan[4] and Uzbekistan.[5]
The equivalent type of provider may also go under different titles in different countries and regions, such as physician assistant in the United States or clinical officer in parts of sub-Saharan Africa. They are collectively grouped under the category “paramedical practitioners” in the International Standard Classification of Occupations, 2008 revision.[6]

(Is this the end of the Ont. GP?)