29 May 2015

COUNCIL MEETING Ontario College Physicians & Surgeons.(CPSO)

May 28/29

In response to Liberal political pressure, details of all complaints and resultant action to be published on-line.. Also the CPSO will list all non-Ontario licences`of members  that it  knows about. (The CPSO notifies all other known Licencing bodies about result of complaints.)

About 1000 Ont.MDs act as agents of the CPSO assessing a practice every 10 years; after 70y every 5y.
These doctors are mainly not Academic and practice Ontario Guideline medicine. A danger for MDs who are Internationally up-to-date.

In Ontario, less risk to career  to practice  Academic medicine, preferably non-Clinical,..


President-elect  one nomination  VP  CPSO  cardiac electrophysiologit JOEL KIRSH MD (Tor. 1992) FRCPC (Paed & Cadiology) U.Tor Rep.

VP: one nomination: David ROUSELLE MD Dist 5 rep Newmarket  MD(Queen's 81) FRCSC (87 Obs & Gyn).  RE-ELECTED

ONE Physician Council member for EXECUTIVE  COMMITTEE (2 nominees)
Dist 8 Rep NORTH BAY Stephen BODLEY (ELECTED) in speech said what he wanted to do.
Dist 9 Rep THUNDER BAY William McCREADY (NOT ELECTED)- in speech patronised opponent.


Sudershen BERI (Richmond Hill) NOT RE-ELECTED-remained seating & bent over while giving speech.

Pierre GIROUX (Toronto) ELECTED- stood up

Ronald PRATT  (Toronto), MBA ELECTED- stood up

(NB CPSO short of THREE Public Council  members appointed by the Ont. Lt.Gov..on advice of the Min Health Dr. E. Hoskins MD. Public members are paid for time spent.)

MEMO: CPSO used to delete CPSO DISCIPLINE TRIBUNAL (not a Court) if verdict reversed on Ontario Court Appeal.. CPSO will now NOT delete Tribunal verdict even if MD wins on COURT Appeal.. Difference between a TRIBUNAL & COURT not generally known. One point: in TRIBUNAL no need to Swear or Affirm. Also no need to stand.when Tribunal enters and leaves.

MEMO:Kingston Emerg. Wayne Joseph SPOTSWOOD MD (Queem's 70) FRCPC (Emerg Med.85) has represented Dist.6 for many years. Is` also on Inquiries,Complaints and Reports Committee and Registration committee. His SON JAMIE SPOTSWOOD BA(Victoria) LLB (Queen's 2006) is Partner in the Toronto Law Firm LENCZNER SLAGHT that is retained by CMPA to represent MDs at CPSO TRIBUNALS.
