2 Apr 2014


1) Find PRIVATE phone number of Hospital CEO and top Specialists. (usually available to major donors.) 2) Employ private nurses if admitted. Hospital nurses overworked and vary in precision. Nurses dress in UHN freestyle with flowing locks hanging over wounds. Rare handwashing; usually dash of alcohol + glove between patients. 3) As Toronto Convalescent hospitals no longer exist arrange for transfer to PRIVATE Retirement Homes which provide post-op care e.g. BRITON HOUSE, HAZELTON PLACE (cost about $4-5,000/month). Free Home Nursing (St. Eliz. & VON ) limited by time(30 min/day) and expertise. Personal Home care not covered by OHIP (unless destitute) 4) Private Hospital room may not be available due to infected patients e.g. MRSA.