Provided free by OHIP at selected Oncology clinics.
Freelite™ Serum Free Light Chain Assays
(UK) Freelite™ is a major breakthrough for the detection and monitoring of Multiple Myeloma
(MM) and other B-cell dyscrasia. Freelite™ assays were developed by Binding Site to measure free lambda and free kappa immunoglobulin light chains. Our expertise in the manufacture of antibodies has enabled us to provide a quantifiable, highly specific, automatable free light chain assay for serum.
Significant clinical evidence indicates the benefit of Freelite™ serum free light chain assays in initial screening for monoclonal gammopathies. Other benefits include the identification of AL amyloidosis and Nonsecretory MM patients missed by conventional electrophoretic methods, use as a prognostic indicator for progression in myeloma, for risk stratification of MGUS patients, and rapid evaluation of treatment efficacy.
Freelite™ is a sensitive, specific marker of kappa and lambda free light chains (FLC) in serum and provides quantitative measurement of:
Significant clinical evidence indicates the benefit of Freelite™ serum free light chain assays in initial screening for monoclonal gammopathies. Other benefits include the identification of AL amyloidosis and Nonsecretory MM patients missed by conventional electrophoretic methods, use as a prognostic indicator for progression in myeloma, for risk stratification of MGUS patients, and rapid evaluation of treatment efficacy.
Freelite™ is a sensitive, specific marker of kappa and lambda free light chains (FLC) in serum and provides quantitative measurement of:
- Free kappa in serum
- Free lambda in serum
- The serum free kappa/free lambda ratio (κ/λ)
Gamma-Dynacare Labs charge $45 for test. Gold topped tube. 1ml serum needed. Test time 5 days. (Sadly Princess Margaret Cancer Hospital does NOT use this test for follow-up of patients with Plasma cell cancer.) The test can be requested PRIVATELY by any Medical practitioner and usually paid by a personal Medical insurance.