11 Dec 2012

URBAN HOUSE CALLS a waste of medical talent.

Most URBAN HOUSE CALLS are a waste of Medical talent. Can easily be done by a visiting DISTRICT NURSE: an important person in the UK NHS since 1947.

House Calls are useful in making sure that there are no safety hazards such as loose carpets. That there is food in a clean fridge. That there are Aids-to-Daily-Living in the bedroom, toilet and bath. That smoke and Carbon monoxide detectors work.

Urine dip-stick , and Diabetic blood tests can be done by a Nurse.As well as Blood pressure.and other vital signs.

Office visits are more CLINICALLY valuable as more equipment is available together with other paramedical services.

In most Ontario cities there are Wheel-Trans facilities that cost between $2-3 a journey. making a visit to the GP cheap and easy.

Stairs can be a problem  Many GP offices have ramps and elevators. An OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST
is valuable in advising Structural Alterations and various PERSONAL Aids.for dressing and cooking.

A visiting PHYSIOTHERAPIST can instruct DIY exercises and provide simple equipment.to maintain muscle strength

Relatives should learn FIRST AID. An OXYGEN CYLINDER (with a suction adaptor) is a good investment especially in Rural areas. Electronic personal emergency devices improve yearly. and are now inexpensive.

(Personal opinion)

1 comment:

  1. When working for a Toronto House Call services
    most Calls were from Drug addicts who said they had run out of pain pills for their "bad back". Others were parents who demanded antibiotics for kids with the sniffles. House calls are free; cheaper than paying for TTC to visit a GP
