23 Oct 2014


Unlike in USA, Toronto Hospitals have no security control at entrances or requirement of a visitor badge to be admitted to in-patient floors. Some e.g. Toronto General and Toronto Western havemany  retail food vendors and shops. In Toronto Western lobby the arm chairs are used as sleeping facilities by local "homeless": with their bags.Toronto East General  and St Joseph Hosp.have least entrances and retail stores.

1 comment:

  1. DAILY MAIL:Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, the Muslim convert who fatally shot Corporal Nathan Cirillo - a 24-year-old father standing guard at Ottawa's War Memorial, was a petty criminal and the son of a leading Canadian immigration official, it has been revealed.

    Born in Quebec as Michael Joseph Hall and raised in Laval, just north of Montreal, the young man lived a quiet childhood of private schools and suburban homes, with a mother who was a high ranking federal employee.

    Then, after years of run-ins with the law, he converted to Islam.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2804099/Pictured-Recent-Muslim-convert-Michael-Zehaf-Bibeau-shot-dead-solider-opened-fire-Canadian-Parliament.html#ixzz3GyaudacP
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    (?Paranoid Schizophrenic).
