A FORUM on ONTARIO MEDICINE: business and professional Information from various contributors edited by Dr.Alex Franklin MBBS(Lond.)Dip.Phys.Med(UK) DPH & DIH(Tor.)LMC(C)FLex(USA).Fellow Med.Soc.London, Liveryman of London Society of Apothecaries. Freeman of City of London. Member Toronto Faculty club & Toronto Medico-Legal society.
27 Nov 2014
WSIB insurance for MDs & Staff not noted by OMA Review in 45 years.
26 Nov 2014
MDs not part of the $2.3-million 7 Local Health Integration Networks Primary Care Low Back Pain Pilot program
OMA members are not part of the $2.3-million LHIN "Primary Care Low Back Pain clinics.
Two will be Nurse Practitioner led. "Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Occupational.Therapists, Kinesiologists & Registered Massage Therapits" will make up the Teams according to Health Minister Dr.Eric HOSKINS MD(McMaster 1985) D.Phil(Oxon) FRCPC(Comm.Med 1994) today at 333 Sherborne St Medical Centre (previously the Canadian -Hungarian Drs REKAI Central Hospital.). No OMA Board or Staff member was present at the announcement which was advertised by email to the medical media. An OMA member asked the Minister whether medically trained Osteopaths could apply.. Dr Hoskins replied that his Staff would reply to the question. (Misses Levi & Wilkinson).
(There was no discussion about this program at the $2-million OMA Council meeting Nov.22-23).
Two will be Nurse Practitioner led. "Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Occupational.Therapists, Kinesiologists & Registered Massage Therapits" will make up the Teams according to Health Minister Dr.Eric HOSKINS MD(McMaster 1985) D.Phil(Oxon) FRCPC(Comm.Med 1994) today at 333 Sherborne St Medical Centre (previously the Canadian -Hungarian Drs REKAI Central Hospital.). No OMA Board or Staff member was present at the announcement which was advertised by email to the medical media. An OMA member asked the Minister whether medically trained Osteopaths could apply.. Dr Hoskins replied that his Staff would reply to the question. (Misses Levi & Wilkinson).
(There was no discussion about this program at the $2-million OMA Council meeting Nov.22-23).
25 Nov 2014
Council has approx 250 paid delegates coming from all areas of the Province for the 2 day meeting (22-23 Nov.). Delegates are paid for time at Council + travel time from home + costs of travel and hotel (Hilton,145 Richmond St.Tor.)..Elections are held on Sunday morning. There are usually only about 190 still at Council.
DIAGNOSTIC ASSEMBLY: Cytologist ; Ont. Director of LIFE LABS (BC & Ont.) since 2011 Virginia WALLEY, MD(Western Ont,,London 1978) re-elected.
GENERAL PRACTICE ASSEMBLY : NORTH BAY GP James STEWART MD(Tor. 2001) beat incumbent Ottawa GP Alicia DONOHUE MD (Ottawa 1985).
MEDICAL (Specialist) ASSEMBLY: Only one nominee RICHMOND HILL (Northern Toronto suburb)
PAEDIATRICIAN Hirotaka YAMASHIRO MD (Tor.1993) Licensed in Ontario & Japan(2004)
DIAGNOSTIC ASSEMBLY: Cytologist ; Ont. Director of LIFE LABS (BC & Ont.) since 2011 Virginia WALLEY, MD(Western Ont,,London 1978) re-elected.
GENERAL PRACTICE ASSEMBLY : NORTH BAY GP James STEWART MD(Tor. 2001) beat incumbent Ottawa GP Alicia DONOHUE MD (Ottawa 1985).
MEDICAL (Specialist) ASSEMBLY: Only one nominee RICHMOND HILL (Northern Toronto suburb)
PAEDIATRICIAN Hirotaka YAMASHIRO MD (Tor.1993) Licensed in Ontario & Japan(2004)
20 Nov 2014
Couple still do not understand difference of MD's certificate of Fitness to Travel and FULL DISCLOSURE f pre-existing conditions. Importance of insisting that patients declare any previous illness.
Saskatchewan mother says she is facing more than $900,000 in medical
bills after giving birth unexpectedly in the United States and being
told the costs won’t be covered by insurance.
Jennifer Huculak was nearly six months pregnant when her water broke
while on vacation in Hawaii in October 2013. After a lengthy hospital
stay, Huculak’s daughter, Reece, was born prematurely and required a
two-month stay in the neonatal intensive care unit.
Before her trip, Huculak said she purchased Blue Cross insurance and got the green light to travel from her doctor.
The total bill of $950,000 included more than $160,000 for Huculak’s hospital stay and $40,000 for a medical evacuation, she said. The rest of the cost went to care for Huculak’s daughter.
So far, she said Saskatchewan Health has paid for $20,000 of the bill and the U.S. picked up the cost of Reece’s delivery, at $12,000. That leaves $918,000, she said.
Blue Cross denied her claim, citing a pre-existing condition.
“I had a bladder infection and I hemorrhaged a bit at four months,” she said. “My doctor saw no reason for me not to go.
She said her doctor sent a letter to Blue Cross confirming that Huculak’s pregnancy was stable when she went on vacation, but the claim was still denied.
Before her trip, Huculak said she purchased Blue Cross insurance and got the green light to travel from her doctor.
The total bill of $950,000 included more than $160,000 for Huculak’s hospital stay and $40,000 for a medical evacuation, she said. The rest of the cost went to care for Huculak’s daughter.
So far, she said Saskatchewan Health has paid for $20,000 of the bill and the U.S. picked up the cost of Reece’s delivery, at $12,000. That leaves $918,000, she said.
Blue Cross denied her claim, citing a pre-existing condition.
“I had a bladder infection and I hemorrhaged a bit at four months,” she said. “My doctor saw no reason for me not to go.
She said her doctor sent a letter to Blue Cross confirming that Huculak’s pregnancy was stable when she went on vacation, but the claim was still denied.
17 Nov 2014
Alberta,BC,Ontario private sexual services for the disabled
2005 Sexual Health and Disability Alliance
Dr. Rosalind Mary "Tuppy" Owens (born 12 November 1944) is a British sex therapist, consultant, campaigner, and writer.[1][2]
Tuppy Owens was born in Cambridge. She gained a degree in zoology from Exeter University, and then worked in ecology in Africa and Trinidad[1] during three years as a scientific administrator at the Natural Environment Research Council.[3] She settled in London, where at first she continued that work. Then, in the late 1960s, she established a sex education book publishing company, for which she wrote and published The Sex Maniac’s Diary[4] successfully between 1972 and 1995, and which she operated as a thriving and attention-grabbing business from her Mayfair flat[3] — for example, the 1975 Sex Maniac's Diary was launched in August 1974 with a reception at the Bristol Hotel in London which was reported on the following day in the Financial Times.[5]
From 1974, Owens also began lecturing on the subject of sex.[6] In 1979, she started Outsiders Club, for people with disabilities seeking new friends and partners. From 1984, the Sex Maniac's Diary was published as The Safer Sex Maniac's Diary and provided the first visual instructions to the public on how to put a condom on securely; it also reviewed condoms and offered safer sex advice, all at the beginning of the outbreak of HIV.[7]
Also in the 1980s, Owens trained as a sex therapist at St George's Hospital Medical School in London, where she gained a diploma in Human Sexuality in 1986.[2] She was also subsequently awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the Institute of Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco.[2] In 2009 Tuppy was named one of the Family Planning Association‘s 80 most influential achievers in the field of family planning.
In the 1990s, after more than 30 years living in London Dr Tuppy Owens moved away and has, since then, lived in a croft in the North of Scotland.[8]
In 2005, Tuppy Owens founded the Sexual Health and Disability Alliance (SHADA)[1] to bring together health professionals interested in sex and disability. In November 2009, a conference with the title "Disability: Sex, Relationships and Pleasure" was held by SHADA with the Royal Society of Medicine.[9] Tuppy produced the Sexual Respect Tool Kit and started the sexual advocacy service, ASAP. Tuppy also answers the Sex and Disability Helpline. Her book "Supporting Disabled People with their Sexual Lives will be published by Jessica Kingsley on 19 November 2014.
Dr Tuppy Owens remains active in running Outsiders.[10] At the same time, she also runs the Sex Maniacs Ball to fund Outsiders, and is the founder of another fundraiser, The Erotic Awards,[11] now called The Sexual Freedom Awards and run by Charlotte Rose. Tuppy is the chair of the Sexual Freedom Coalition[12]
2005 Sexual Health and Disability Alliance
Dr. Rosalind Mary "Tuppy" Owens (born 12 November 1944) is a British sex therapist, consultant, campaigner, and writer.[1][2]
Tuppy Owens was born in Cambridge. She gained a degree in zoology from Exeter University, and then worked in ecology in Africa and Trinidad[1] during three years as a scientific administrator at the Natural Environment Research Council.[3] She settled in London, where at first she continued that work. Then, in the late 1960s, she established a sex education book publishing company, for which she wrote and published The Sex Maniac’s Diary[4] successfully between 1972 and 1995, and which she operated as a thriving and attention-grabbing business from her Mayfair flat[3] — for example, the 1975 Sex Maniac's Diary was launched in August 1974 with a reception at the Bristol Hotel in London which was reported on the following day in the Financial Times.[5]
From 1974, Owens also began lecturing on the subject of sex.[6] In 1979, she started Outsiders Club, for people with disabilities seeking new friends and partners. From 1984, the Sex Maniac's Diary was published as The Safer Sex Maniac's Diary and provided the first visual instructions to the public on how to put a condom on securely; it also reviewed condoms and offered safer sex advice, all at the beginning of the outbreak of HIV.[7]
Also in the 1980s, Owens trained as a sex therapist at St George's Hospital Medical School in London, where she gained a diploma in Human Sexuality in 1986.[2] She was also subsequently awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the Institute of Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco.[2] In 2009 Tuppy was named one of the Family Planning Association‘s 80 most influential achievers in the field of family planning.
In the 1990s, after more than 30 years living in London Dr Tuppy Owens moved away and has, since then, lived in a croft in the North of Scotland.[8]
In 2005, Tuppy Owens founded the Sexual Health and Disability Alliance (SHADA)[1] to bring together health professionals interested in sex and disability. In November 2009, a conference with the title "Disability: Sex, Relationships and Pleasure" was held by SHADA with the Royal Society of Medicine.[9] Tuppy produced the Sexual Respect Tool Kit and started the sexual advocacy service, ASAP. Tuppy also answers the Sex and Disability Helpline. Her book "Supporting Disabled People with their Sexual Lives will be published by Jessica Kingsley on 19 November 2014.
Dr Tuppy Owens remains active in running Outsiders.[10] At the same time, she also runs the Sex Maniacs Ball to fund Outsiders, and is the founder of another fundraiser, The Erotic Awards,[11] now called The Sexual Freedom Awards and run by Charlotte Rose. Tuppy is the chair of the Sexual Freedom Coalition[12]
15 Nov 2014
TORONTO STAR Nov.15 HAMILTON Regional Lab mistakes SARCOID for Stage-four Ca.lung.
Larry REECE, 46y after biopsy lung in June 2014 was given a year to live and referred to Juravinski Cancer Centre for chemotherapy. Mr.Reece's employer Burlington THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC (Consulting Chief MO Dr.Paul BILLINGS) paid for PRIVATE biopsy in USA which showed SARCOIDOSIS.in October 2014. Legal action underway. Hamilton, St Joseph Hosp ("Healthcare") Chief of Staff Dr Hugh FULLER MBBS(London,UK1973) FRCP(C 1978)admits mistake.by HAMILTON REGIONAL LABORATORY.
14 Nov 2014
LONGWOODS Breakfast with the Chiefs @ TELUS, ,25 YORK St.,Toronto 14 Nov.2014
Dr Farzad Mostashari MD
Taking an Aggressive Stance on EMRs
About 300 Medical policy execs attended the luxurious auditorium of TELUS. Buffet breakfast catered by "Playing with Fire". included smoked salmon, egg frittata, yoghourt & berry parfait, fruit salad.etc.
OMA had 3 attendees. From Ontario MD 2 employees: Anne FINLAY & Shafiq HABIB. OMA member
Alex.Franklin DPH &DIH(Tor.).
Robert Somers Brookings
As a civic leader and philanthropist, Brookings turned his creative energy to building Washington University and other St. Louis institutions until, with the coming of World War I, he moved to Washington, D.C. and onto the world stage. He served on the new War Industries Board as commissioner of Finished Products and chairman of the Price Fixing Committee. In this role he became the link between the government and hundreds of industries. He achieved remarkable results under very difficult circumstances, and for his war service he was recognized with the U.S. Distinguished Service Medal, the French Legion of Honor, and Italy's Commander of the Crown.
His work within the government during the war showed him the need for improved economic research and a trained corps of civil servants. In 1916, Brookings worked with other government reformers to create the first private organization devoted to the fact-based study of national public policy. The new Institute for Government Research became the chief advocate for effective and efficient public service and sought to bring "science" to the study of government.
Brookings created two sister organizations: the Institute of Economics in 1922 and a graduate school in 1924. In 1927, the institutes and the school merged to form the present-day Brookings Institution, with the mission to promote, conduct and foster research "in the broad fields of economics, government administration and the political and social sciences."
8 Nov 2014
Dalla Lana FREE 3-day meeting at MaRS.building, 101 College St. Toronto.
SANOFI PASTEUR et al SPONSORED 3-day MaRS building meeting of Dalla` Lana School of Public Health on "Creating a Pandemic of Health-Contagious Ideas for a Healthy Future".
At 85y Past (1972-77) Fed.Min.Health Hon.Marc LALONDE LLM (Mont.) MA(Oxon.) DESD(Ottawa) is an elegant example of good health and first-class rhetoric.He stayed for three days.
T & G Angelopoulos Prof. & Dean of Harvard Public Health (2009) Julio FRENK MORA MD(Nat.U.Mexico) MPH & PhD(Michigan). Mexican Min. of Health 2000-2006.
Nuffield Dept.Population Health U.Oxford Prof.(Epid.) Zhengming CHEN MBBS(Shanghai 1983) PhD(Oxon. 1993) Director of CHINA KADOORIE BIOBANK: 512,000 adults.(Blood and physical measurements).
About the Study
During recent decades, China has experienced a rapid transition in the main disease patterns of its population, with a substantial decrease in maternal and child mortality, as well as infectious and parasitic diseases. On the other hand, as a consequence of large changes in lifestyle and increased use of tobacco, mortality from many chronic non-communicable diseases has been increasing steadily. As a result, most of the premature mortality now involves the chronic diseases of middle age, such as stroke, ischaemic heart disease (IHD), diabetes, cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It is estimated that chronic diseases now account for over 80% of deaths and 70% of disability-adjusted life years lost in China (Wang et al. Lancet 2005).
Chronic diseases which are normally associated with affluence (e.g. IHD, diabetes) are more prevalent in urban and coastal regions, whereas chronic diseases associated with poverty (e.g. COPD, oesophageal and stomach cancer) are more common in inland and rural areas. However, for each major disease there is also large unexplained variation in age-specific death rates between different parts of China (Chen et al. JECH 2007). These large unexplained differences in disease rates among areas suggest that avoidable causes of these diseases still await discovery. Moreover, even within one area substantial differences between individual genetic composition, physical characteristics, blood biochemistry, or lifestyle could eventually affect the likelihood of an individual developing a certain disease.
Large prospective cohort studies are an important way of investigating many slow-acting causes of the common chronic diseases in the population. Although there have already been several prospective studies of major chronic diseases in China, each had its limitations, including small numbers of participants, lack of blood samples, involving just one city or occupational cohort, and limited data collection on risk exposures and outcome measures. Consequently, the aetiology of many common chronic diseases in China is still poorly understood, and there is still substantial uncertainty about the present and future relevance to population mortality of many common risk factors, such as smoking. In 2004, we launched a large blood-based prospective study, the China Kadoorie Biobank study, with the goal of recruiting and assessing 0.5 million people and then following their health for a few decades.
What are the main objectives of the CKB?
The CKB is an open-ended study with very broad research aims. The main objectives of the study are: 1) To assess reliably the effects of both established and emerging risk factors for many diseases, not only overall but also under various circumstances (e.g. at different ages and at different levels of other risk factors); 2) To determine the complex interplay between genes and environmental factors and between different genes on the risks of common chronic diseases.Funding Agencies
Kadoorie Charitable Foundation | www.chinadevelopmentbrief.com |
Wellcome Trust | www.wellcome.ac.uk |
Medical Research Council | www.mrc.ac.uk |
British Heart Foundation | www.bhf.org.uk |
Cancer Research UK | www.cancerresearchuk.org |
National Natural Science Foundation, China | www.nsfc.gov.cn |
Ministry of Science and Technology, China | www.most.gov.cn/eng/ |
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