"Diaton tonometer has accuracy enough for clinical purposes, requires no
anesthetics and sterilization. Besides, they are safe (can not damage the cornea),
comfortable for the patients and easy in use. They can be used not only in ophthalmology
studies but at home as well".
1. Илларионова А.Р., Пилецкий Н.Г.//Клин.офтальмол.-2001-№2.-С.55-56
2. Маклаков А.Н.//Мед.обозр.-1884.-Т.22-С.1092-1095
3. Нестеров А.П., Бунин А.Я., Кацельсон Л.А. Внутриглазное давление: физиология и паталогия.-М.,1974
4. Нестеров А.П. Глаукома.-М.,1995
5. Goldmann H., Schmidt T.//Opthalmologica.-1957-Bd 136.-S.221-231.
6. Mark H.H.//Am.J.Ophthalmol.-1973.-Vol.76-P.223-227
7. .//Ibid.-1960.-Vol.49.-P.1149
8. Moses R.A., Liu C.H.// Ibid.-1968.-Vol.66.-P.89-94
9. Motolko M.A.//Can/J/Ophthalmol.-1982.-Vol.17.-P.93-97.
10. Phelps C.D.,Phelps G.K.//Graefes.Arch.Clin.Exp.Ophthalmol.-1976.-Vol.198.-P.39-44
11. Schottenstein M.H.//The Glaucomes/Eds R.Ritch et al.-St.Louis, 1996.-Vol.1.-P.407-428.
12. Whitacre M.M., Stein R.A., Hassanein K.//Am.J.Ophthalmol.-1993.-Vol.115.-P.592-597
Diaton tonometer now in use in Ontario: often in University emergency departments. Cost aprox. $3000.
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