11 Dec 2011


Not-for-Profit Corporactions Act (ONCA) will come into force in 2012..

1) ALL-MEMBER ("shareholder")MEETINGS of 33,000 OMA members
2) DIRECT PROVINCE-WIDE mail/electronic or PROXY voting by ALL memebers
3) COUNCIL possibly replaced by selected "council" of elected members.OR
4) DIRECT MEMBER voting on ALL Motions (SWISS style of DIRECT voting)

Figures updated by OMA Staff Ms A.Kafandaris.
Present COUNCIL (293) made-up of
77 Branch Societies: 142 elected delegates
62 Sections : 110 elected delegates
11 Distrricts 41 elected delegates : 22 (Chairmn + Secretaries) + 19 District Directors.
Summary:GEOGRAPHIC Delegates= 183 (mainly GPs)
               SPECIALTY Delegates    = 100 (mainly Specialists)

Present BOARD (25) made up of
11 Districts: represented by 19 elected delegates
Clinical Teachers by ONE elected delegates.
ASSEMBLIES 2 from General Practice; 1 each from MEDICAL,SURGICAL, & DIAGNOSTIC.

COMMITTEES: 65 all members selected by Committee on Committees and are paid daily honoraria plus full travel & hotel expenses.

Governance planning supervised by
Past Assist. Deputy Minister Labour & Past Deputy Minister Ontario Management Board , James("Jim") R. THOMAS P.Eng.(Queen's) LLB(York) 
Centre for Creative Change Inc.
2181 Yonge St. #3302,
Toronto M4S 3H7
416 535 6994