"Facilitator" was Past U.Toronto Pres. David NAYLOR MD (Tor. 78) FRCPC ( No MBA or MHSc.)
"Conciliator" was Past Ont. Chief Justice Warren WINKLER QC
Negotiations took 31 weeks.
In 45 years OHIP payments 50% below OMA suggested rate.
OMA CEO R.SAPSFORD will retire from OMA in AUGUST.,2015.
(comment OMA now looking for a new CEO- hopefully with MBA from HARVARD, IVEY, ROTMAN, or WHARTON plus MHSc & LLB..)
28,000 practicing physicians in Ont.
Nurse practitioners, Physician assistants and Pharmacists taking over "GP" role.(Surprisingly OHIP does not pay Clinical Psychologists with PhD.)
Ontario GPs ,(copying UK "GP with Special Interest"), leaving full practice by limiting practice to cosmetic medicine, eye exams, dermatology, , pain medicine, palliative medicine, psychotherapy, surgical assisting, sport medicine and medical clinic development..
OMA GP SECTION issued a 3" button: "ask me how Government actions threaten health care".
The OMA Section printed a letter for faxing to "my MPP + Minister of Health".. In approx 350 words uses
"NEED" 5x and "NEEDS" 3x..