A FORUM on ONTARIO MEDICINE: business and professional Information from various contributors edited by Dr.Alex Franklin MBBS(Lond.)Dip.Phys.Med(UK) DPH & DIH(Tor.)LMC(C)FLex(USA).Fellow Med.Soc.London, Liveryman of London Society of Apothecaries. Freeman of City of London. Member Toronto Faculty club & Toronto Medico-Legal society.
13 Feb 2014
Feb 8-11 Royal.York Hotel Can Digestive Diseases & Can.Assn.for Liver Study.: FAECAL CALPROTECTIN
No press room = No media present-including CMAJ & Ont.Med. Review)
Impressive exhibition (50+) but few visitors.
Norwegian-developed SWISS ALPCO system offers OFFICE & LAB test for FAECAL CALPROTECTIN. Diff.Diag.of Abdom.pain,cramping,diarrhoea. INFLAMMATORY Bowel Disease (IBD) vs. Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS) Using Buhlmann Calprotectin assay HIGH LEVELS = IBD (CROHN & ULCERATIVE COLITIS)LOW LEVELS = IBS (suspect FOOD INTOLERANCE & COELIAC DISEASE)
Used in Teaching Hospitals: Hamilton, London, Toronto .
Stool collected using EasySampler kit @ $8.
Extraction using $300 Vortex. "Schebo Quick Prep" for Solid stool "Smart-prep" for solid/liquid stool
OFFICE CALchek Blue @ $25/test; LAB/OFFICE: QUANTUM blue using $2500 small casette Quantitative tester.LABORATORY HIGH VOLUME: CALPROTECTIN ELISA.
Values below 50 microgram/gram Unlikely to be inflammation
Values above 50 to 100 = mild inflammatory disease: aet NSAID; diverticulae; IBD in remission.
Values above 100= ACTIVE ORGANIC DISEASE. GP referral to Specialist imperative.
url http://www.alpco.com/content/products/Calprotectin_Assay.aspx
SERUM FREE LIGHT CHAIN ANALYSIS (NOT PAID BY OHIP if orded by GPs & General Medical Clinics)
"BINDING SITE FREELIGHT" serum free light chain analysis
Now available PRIVATELY by Gamma Dynacare laboratories.
Provided free by OHIP at selected Oncology clinics.
Freelite™ Serum Free Light Chain Assays
(UK) Freelite™ is a major breakthrough for the detection and monitoring of Multiple MyelomaFreelite Logo (MM) and other B-cell dyscrasia. Freelite™ assays were developed by Binding Site to measure free lambda and free kappa immunoglobulin light chains. Our expertise in the manufacture of antibodies has enabled us to provide a quantifiable, highly specific, automatable free light chain assay for serum.
Significant clinical evidence indicates the benefit of Freelite™ serum free light chain assays in initial screening for monoclonal gammopathies. Other benefits include the identification of AL amyloidosis and Nonsecretory MM patients missed by conventional electrophoretic methods, use as a prognostic indicator for progression in myeloma, for risk stratification of MGUS patients, and rapid evaluation of treatment efficacy.
Freelite™ is a sensitive, specific marker of kappa and lambda free light chains (FLC) in serum and provides quantitative measurement of:
Free kappa in serum
Free lambda in serum
The serum free kappa/free lambda ratio (κ/λ)
The serum free light chain ratio is a strong indicator of monoclonality and is valuable for distinguishing monoclonal from polyclonal diseases.
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