OMA was not aware of this political movement. No liason between OMA and nearby School Public Health. Unlike Chiropractors and Registered Nurses organisations, little social interaction with Provincial Government. Chiropractors have dinners and advise members to keep bound copies of Thank You letters. Reg Nurses CEO Dr Doris Greenspun PhD(York) RN (Hadassah) attends social-political meetings. OMA Pres and CEO usually absent. OMA Pres is only a one year job. No partial pension for loss of practice. Nurse Practitioners in Ont now have similar rights as GPs. Physician Assistants increasing. For at least 45 yrs USA patients could choose a GP or PA at a clinic. Chiropractors have become the"musculo-skeletal " experts. Although Chiro.not covered by OHIP many people have private insurance which covers Acupuncture, Chiropraxy, *Dentistry, Massage, Naturopathy, Osteopathy, Podiatry & Psychology. <Leslie Dan school of Pharmacy now offers D.Pharm. which would allow D.Pharms to Diagnose ,Investigate and Treat. Pharms at present are paid by OHIP for 30 min yearly consult @ $ 50. Also can give injections and change GP prescriptions. Reducing GPs cuts costs as GPs have to exclude rare diseases as they held to a higher standard in Law.
*In Ontario Dentistry is not a State Insured service; except in Schools and for those on Social service benefits.