18 Dec 2014

Ont Min Health: Dr Eric HOSKINS' new task force on "SEXUAL ABUSE" with former Ont. Chief Justice Roland McMURTRY & Lawyer Marilou McPHEDRAN

Task force "to review and modernize " laws that deal with sexual abuse of patients by health professionals"

Lawyer McPhedran Chaired a similar Task Force in 2000. Was previously married ,with two biological sons, by a Lawyer, previously Chmn Toronto Stock Exchange..Lawyer McPhedran now lives with a female member of the wealthy Jackman family..

Lawyer Roland  McMurtry is remembered for Prosecuting Nurse Susan Nelles when he was Ont. Attorney-General.


1 comment:

  1. Importance of a chaperone with all patients.. OHIP should increase payment to pay for the chaperone.,If unable to pay for a chaperone best to practice non-patient medicine e.g.Admin.(Municipal,Provincial,Federal), Insurance, Managing Clinics, Elected MPP or MP, Worker Compensation.etc.
